Latest News

We Need Your Input!

February 16, 2022

Dear CKE Resident
RE: Important Community Survey / Heritage Local Area Plan
Your Community Association is conducting a survey to gather your opinions about how our communities will continue to grow and evolve in the coming years. Feedback you provide will help leaders of the CKE Community Association better represent community views when working with The City of Calgary on the Heritage Local Area Plan. The goal is to understand the concerns, expectations and needs of our community.
All responses are completely confidential and are being collected by a professional research firm.
The survey will take 5 to 8 minutes to complete.
As a thank you for your time, we will enter your name for a draw to win one of three gift certificates for $100 from
Empire Provisions, Cobbs Bread Bakery and Bitter Sisters.
The Heritage LAP has in progress since 2019 and is now scheduled to be considered for approval by City Council in the Fall of 2022.  Once approved, this Plan will determine what type of housing forms will be permitted in our communities. In addition to completing the survey, it is important for you to get involved and let the City know where you stand.  Watch for future opportunities to be heard.
You can find out more about the project at:
If you have any questions or comments, contact Guy Buchanan the volunteer Planning Director for the CKE Community Association at: [email protected]
Thank you
CKE Board

President’s Message – September 2021

June 12, 2021

Happy September!
I know I am not alone when I say that the summer months are flying by! I cannot believe that it is September already. I hope that everyone has been enjoying the warm weather, even with all the smoke we had. Hopefully, the smoke didn’t impede too many of your plans, and you
were still able to enjoy the outdoors. My family and I were able to do some fun things before/after the smoke, such as a trip to Kelowna, bike rides, swimming, summer camps, and Heritage Park; anything to keep our kids occupied! In terms of the CKE communities, lots has been happening! The sound wall along 14th Street is moving along and should be completed soon. It’s being built three meters west of the original location, due to utility line complications. The Roads Department is building the wall higher to account for the lower grade of the new location. We had another successful bottle drive, and we were able to bring in $2,085!! This is an amazing contribution and will help CKE greatly. Thank you so much to our volunteers and everyone that contributed. Coming up on September 26, we have the CKE Fall BBQ! Don’t miss out on this amazing event, our volunteers work so hard to organize this and it will be so much fun. We will have some games, food, and drinks! I hope to see you all there. We are looking for volunteers for this event as well, so if anyone can help, please send us an email at
[email protected]; we would really appreciate anyone that can help! Also, a reminder that our CKE Community Hall is a fabulous
place to host events! It can accommodate corporate events, birthday parties, weddings, anniversaries, social events, and more! It is available for rent on an hourly or daily rate, so please get in touch with Jen at [email protected] if this interests you. If anyone wants to chat at any time, please feel free to reach out via email at [email protected].